Okay, weird moment. All 3 blogs I'm promoting today are created by me. I didn't plan for them to fall on the same day, they just did that because most of my visitors do not wish to have a Sunday blog.
So here is why I look vain and self-centered today:
A Blog about my young adult book Rana: Teenage Queen. It’s so good, that even adults want to read it.
If Rana can place her hand over a person’s heart, she can discover what they feel.
2) Next is more data I’m collecting about Titan to help me write book two of the unpublished Titan Series.
The big question is can we make Oxygen on Titan? Are the ingredients to do so there?
The answer is yes! We just need a sturdy structure to live in, say the big ship we arrive in, because baby it’s cold outside. But as we convert the methane into water and carbon dioxide (the plants will be happy with the later) then we can get Oxygen from the water, all the while increasing the temp of the planet as we buff up it’s already thick atmosphere. There will no doubt be consequences over time, but Earth is doomed. The brightest of the human race are being moved to Titan. (Other people are going to Mars.)
3) I discovered I have many books that qualify as Young or New adult. I didn’t write them for the young adult market. I don’t give any consideration to genres/ages when writing. I just get a story in my head and write it. These aren’t all the young peeps I’ve ever written, they are just the better behaved ones that might qualify as suitable for young adults. However, I would never talk down to any of my readers, so I treat them like smaller sized adults. Since I never had children, I never became a mom. Therefore, I am just an adult kid, and I certainly don’t wish to be talked down to.
Thus, these are books for all ages, but happen to have one or more young people starring in them.
And thus, concludes what appears to be Liza O’Connor’s vainest day of marketing.
One of them was actually the first book I published through a publishing house. It's about an old woman who has cancer and decided to off herself, only she wakes up in a hospital, pissed she'd failed at this one simple task. Then she realizes something is wrong. There are strangers in her hospital room, rich people. It takes her a while to realize what happened, but somehow, she is now residing in the body of teenage age girl. She knows if she tells them who she really is, they'll throw her into a mental ward, so takes on the challenge of being a teen again. Can't be that hard, right?
Saving Casey
by Liza O'Connor
I was told by a short term Rom Critter that the book was unpublishable. So naturally, stubborn me, chose it as the first book to publish, and within three months and two rejections, I had a publisher. So here is some advice. NEVER let anyone else throw crap on your dreams. That particular critter thought she knew everything, but she didn't. She was just a dream-stomper and left soon after because the Rom-Critters are NOT dream stompers. We are a very positive group of writers.
Fortunately, a well-published author agreed my book was really good and gave me the encouragement to continue on.
The next book I published was a New Adult book with crazy misbehaving men-childs and a paranormal twist. It's funny and I loved it. It got picked up at the first publishing house I sent it to.
Ghost Lover
by Liza O'Connor
At this point, I realized I would be economically better off if I published my own books exclusively to Amazon. So I located an editor, who also did fabulous cover and gave it a try with a Young Adult who grows up over the five book series. Book 1 Worst Week Ever is THE funniest book I've ever written. I call it a Disaster Romance.
It is also my best selling novel by far.
Worst Week Ever
by Liza O'Connor
My Victorian Sleuth series has New Adult characteristics. It's fun, Vic is a 21 yr old woman, pretending to be a young man, because frankly, the life of a Victorian woman sucks! She wants to do interesting things! So she becomes the apprentice to the greatest Sleuth of the times: Xavier Thorn. (Never call him Sherlock Holmes!!!) This is my longest running series and my personal favorite. However, book one has some adult topics, so it's for mature New adults and above.
The Troublesome Apprentice
by Liza O'Connor
By this point, I had begun creating my own covers to reduce my costs. If you don't start making money by year three, the IRS will declare your efforts a hobby.
You do NOT want to be declared a hobby! Publishing
Recently, I wrote a Young Adult about a 16 and a half young lady (half fairy/half human) who is the daughter of the King and Queen of Stronghold. Sadly, both her parents die at the beginning of the story, leaving her to claim her right to not just her throne, but also of the hold that had attacked hers. Declaring her right to be Queen and taking control turned out to be two very different matters. But Rana is determined to create the finest hold on the planet Hope.
It's an uplifting story to empower young readers. You can do more than you think!
Rana: Teenage Queen
By Liza O'Connor
Soon another New Adult story will arrive in August. It's about a young man who just wants to be a championship bullrider, but that is harder than he ever imagined. He's having terrible luck in his girlfriends. His parents die. Then he get injured. Yet, after ever slam, he gets himself up. And eventually his dreams will come true beyond his imagination, but he had to stay strong through the hard times to get to the great times.
By Liza O'Connor
And finally, but not least, is my Scavenger's 3 book series. 200 years in the future, after the terror wars change everything about earth. Alisha is a 21-year-old Debutante turned street girl turned scavenger and finally becomes a SkyRyder. She flies better than any Ryder in the Corp.
Scavenger's Mission
by Liza O'Connor
I hope you enjoyed this walk through some of my 'younger age appropriate' books. I do have more coming. I try very hard to give all my readers something that they might light in all my many genres.
There are other books a young or new adult might enjoy such as Book 1 of the Multiverse series, call the The Gods of Probabilities. I originally named it Drogan, but then decided that didn't match the series, so I renamed it. (Honestly, I probably should have kept it at Drogan.)
While Lydia Bennet in Untamed & Unabashed is only 16, I still do not classify it as young adult, nor New Adult. Turns out Lydia is a wild child. Oddly when she matures a bit more and gets rid of Wickham, she become a very fine adult in book two, The Duchess Lydia (Coming in November)